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The Hand pump repair program is a recent program we have introduced, it is amongst the most successful and is in high demand. Overall, hand pumps last around 10 years, with excess usage this would drop down to 6-7 years. Often the sole repair of the hand pump repair is not suffice, sometime the concrete pad repairs, or fence building around the well, or general grounds cleaning are also needed. Since, proper hygiene is heavy emphasis throughout the whole project. The maintenance requires specialised knowledge, tools and spare parts, which are often not available within rural communities. So we train and provide equipment for our representatives in the various countries we provide our Hand Pumps. Your Contribution can help install a Hand Pump in countries in need to help change lives. Click here to provide a Hand pump repair. |
In third world countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, in the rural areas, women can spend hours every day travelling to and from water sources, these water sources are dirty and contaminated with diseases and often shared with animals and thousands of other people. The women in these countries, travel these journeys in groups, accompanied on this audacious journeys are their children, who are missing out on quality education time. Our Hand Pumps help through:
Note: Our Hand pumps are automatic, to help people alleviate the physical stress of pumping water. Your Contribution can help install a Hand Pump in countries in need to help change lives. Click here to provide a Hand pump. |
In many parts of Asia and Africa, water hand pumps cannot be installed due to the depth and pollution of water. Bismillah Aid inspires to constantly help people world wide to build water wells close to their homes. Striving to provide ease and comfort for the local, be it through technology or training people to maintain them. In most areas of Bangladesh, water is extremely polluted due to arsenic and safe water is only available at a depth of around 200 feet or more. For this reason Bismillah Aid helps communities to find local solutions and constructs water wells to provide safe water. Our Hand Pumps help through:
Your Contribution can help install a Hand Pump in countries in need to help change lives. Click here to provide a Hand pump. |
Life relies on water to thrive and grow - Bismillah Aid strives to aid as many people possible. Water is a pillar in which life is supported through, we can use water in a thousands different ways which makes it amongst the most effective methods to aid others. The wells we install do not help individuals, families or groups - they help entire communities. Our Large well with a pump help through:
Your Contribution can help install a Hand Pump in countries in need to help change lives. Click here to provide a Hand pump. |