No One Goes Hungry
This schemes Mission statement is 'Delivering change through Education.' With the help and cooperation of Dar-Ul-Uloom-Faiz-Ul-Quran
we will deliver change to the orphans at our Madrasah.
Dar-Ul-Uloom-Faiz-Ul-Quran is a growing institution which has provided benefit to hundreds and hundreds of needy children; more due to the contribution of the donors as well as Eager and dedicated staff of the institution.
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like that grain which produces seven ears, in each ear there are a hundred grains. And Allah Multiplies them for whoever He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing, all-Knowing." [Qur`aan 2:261 ]
we will deliver change to the orphans at our Madrasah.
Dar-Ul-Uloom-Faiz-Ul-Quran is a growing institution which has provided benefit to hundreds and hundreds of needy children; more due to the contribution of the donors as well as Eager and dedicated staff of the institution.
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like that grain which produces seven ears, in each ear there are a hundred grains. And Allah Multiplies them for whoever He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing, all-Knowing." [Qur`aan 2:261 ]
School Meals (3 Times Daily) - (Cost £300 Class of 30)

This is the most vital part of the child's day to day needs as with good food he can memorise and learn much more efficiently and also as the children at the Dar-Ul-Uloom are growing they will need this vital source of nutrition to become a fully grown man.
With your contribution you can feed a class of 30 for one month. With three meals within one day.
With your contribution you can feed a class of 30 for one month. With three meals within one day.
Text Books - Cost £20

These books are the only thing in which the children take with them to every class with love and also they treasure this a lot; what we take for granted they do not.
£200 will provide texts books for the whole school however this is only one tenth the of the books needed.
£200 will provide texts books for the whole school however this is only one tenth the of the books needed.
Computer - Cost £200

In our Madrasah we have shared computer with there own privacy so they can be up to date with the modern world and also nowadays having IT skills is a necessity as where ever they go they will need to use this.
One Computer is shared by two pupils in the class
One Computer is shared by two pupils in the class
School Desk - Cost £60

1 Desk I shared by 2 children
Every child needs a place to study and with these school desks we will be able to provide a comfortable and appropriate work set, so that the child can study at ease.
Every child needs a place to study and with these school desks we will be able to provide a comfortable and appropriate work set, so that the child can study at ease.
School Kit - Cost £20

Pen, Pencil, Rubber, Ruler, Calculator, note books and various other essentials for a child to study with the best equipment around.
Sponsor a Teacher - Cost £50 + Health Check-ups - Cost £20
All our teacher are top of their chosen area of work as we have 6 each teaching students with their own separate classes; we also have 4 Hifz teachers and also have 5 teachers in classical arts. For £50 you only sponsor 1 teacher for 1 month
All our student are checked in a Monthly Basic they all under go a intense check including eye check up and teeth check up and also they have a 5 senses check up.
All our student are checked in a Monthly Basic they all under go a intense check including eye check up and teeth check up and also they have a 5 senses check up.